After the work I did on the node-based megadungeon, I think I’d like to take it for a test drive.
I’ve wanted to try Blood & Treasure since I got my hands on it, so I think for the first pass at least that’s what we’ll do.
I aim to start a weekly session, Wednesday evenings from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM Pacific time (GMT-8 during standard time, GMT-7 right now) in Google Hangouts.
I may be starting a second set of sessions on alternate Mondays during the day, but that won’t be for a little while at least.
I have two players lined up, and tentatively two more. I’m willing to run for up to six, so I’ve got two slots available for certain, and up to two more depending how scheduling works out.
I won’t be ready to run this week, but I would like to meet with players to discuss what trouble they’d like to get into first and do a bit of party development. I’ll have a Hangout this Wednesday at the scheduled time.
If you’re interested in trying a megadungeoncrawl, want to try Blood & Treasure, and can make the time reliably, let me know. It’s not quite first-come, first-served, but once someone’s been chosen I won’t bump them for another.
Wee hours of the morning for me, unfortunately, but if you post summaries I will heckle from the peanut gallery. :-3
Pingback: Megadungeoncrawl: Session 1, I Swear to the Gods this was not Planned | Keith Davies — In My Campaign - Keith's thoughts on RPG design and play.