Progress Linking Prerequisites Programmatically

Still working on the Echelon Reference Series, and I’m rebuilding my prerequisite parsing and linking system.

I didn’t think to capture metrics before I started, but I’m already a little over 90% ‘pretty definitive matches’ — that is, where I can match a prerequisite string to a specific game entity such as a feat or class feature. There are some cases where the link is ambiguous, such as when a named prerequisite matches both a feat and a class feature. In cases like that I modified the scripts to favor feats over class features (and similar decisions for other collisions… of which I had 26 out of the 6,695 prerequisite strings being examined.

Of the 6,695 strings being examined, right now I have 661 that I not successfully parsed (see below/beyond ‘more’ if on the front page). Many are trivially solved, but I’m sleepy and have to get up early tomorrow.

  • ‘caster level #’ and related (around 65? tricky to count without finding duplicates) are a bunch of cheap wins.
  • racial traits (56) will be as easy as feats and class features, as soon as I integrate racial information into my data set. This will be mildly funky because not only can later data sources modify an existing race — much as a new data source can add new rage powers or cleric domains — but the same-named racial trait can appear in many races. I know how to do it, I just haven’t done it yet.

Some others can be picked up by looking at ‘unqualified values’, such as class subfeatures that do not identify their parent feature. Normally the data says something like ‘suggestion bardic performance’, but I can add code to have it accept ‘suggestion’ and recognize it as the same thing (being able to cast suggestion is labeled ‘ability to cast suggestion‘, so it is distinct). Similarly with special attack (‘breath weapon’) and so on.

Tomorrow! Tonight it’s time for sleep.

Original order, which provides some small context:

UNKNOWN [have a familiar]
UNKNOWN [able to cast 3rd level spells]
UNKNOWN [have a familiar]
UNKNOWN [familiar has speak with animals of its kind special ability]
UNKNOWN [bonded object]
UNKNOWN [have a familiar]
UNKNOWN [bonded object]
UNKNOWN [have a familiar]
UNKNOWN [alignment matches your patron deity]
UNKNOWN [at least one bard spell known with the emotion descriptor]
UNKNOWN [alignment that includes a neutral element]
UNKNOWN [vanishing ninja trick]
UNKNOWN [noble metamorphosis]
UNKNOWN [metamorph]
UNKNOWN [bite attack racial trait]
UNKNOWN [low-light vision racial trait]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast 6th level arcane spells]
UNKNOWN [ability drain]
UNKNOWN [a racial magic trait that grants spell-like abilities]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast 6th level arcane spells]
UNKNOWN [caster level 9th]
UNKNOWN [adaptable luck racial trait]
UNKNOWN [condemnation class feature]
UNKNOWN [ferocity]
UNKNOWN [quadruped]
UNKNOWN [winged creature]
UNKNOWN [dex 13 (15 if winged)]
UNKNOWN [caster level 10]
UNKNOWN [elemental (air) sorcerer bloodline]
UNKNOWN [natural weapons]
UNKNOWN [caster level 1st]
UNKNOWN [breath weapon]
UNKNOWN [you have no levels in a class that has the grit class feature]
UNKNOWN [female gender]
UNKNOWN [arcane augmentation class feature]
UNKNOWN [caster level 7th]
UNKNOWN [caster level 3rd]
UNKNOWN [arcane spellcaster]
UNKNOWN [caster level 10th]
UNKNOWN [arcane bond weapon class feature]
UNKNOWN [arcane caster level 5th]
UNKNOWN [arcane spellcaster]
UNKNOWN [caster level 10th]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast arcane spells]
UNKNOWN [arcane spellcaster]
UNKNOWN [caster level 10th]
UNKNOWN [armored dr class feature]
UNKNOWN [death attack class feature]
UNKNOWN [ability drain]
UNKNOWN [curse]
UNKNOWN [energy drain]
UNKNOWN [caster level 8th]
UNKNOWN [arcane caster level 15th]
UNKNOWN [sneak attack +1d6]
UNKNOWN [moment of change class feature]
UNKNOWN [shaped capacity class feature]
UNKNOWN [change shape (beast shape iii) class feature]
UNKNOWN [barbarian]
UNKNOWN [druid]
UNKNOWN [ranger]
UNKNOWN [exerceo class feature]
UNKNOWN [persona class feature]
UNKNOWN [breath weapon]
UNKNOWN [dirty fighting class feature]
UNKNOWN [fast on your feet class feature]
UNKNOWN [caster level 5th]
UNKNOWN [caster level 9th]
UNKNOWN [blinded condition]
UNKNOWN [natural weapon racial trait]
UNKNOWN [non-lawful]
UNKNOWN [enslaved (you are branded a slave from birth, conquered and enslaved, or kidnapped into slavery)]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast a spell with the sonic descriptor]
UNKNOWN [capsize]
UNKNOWN [100+ years old]
UNKNOWN [breath weapon]
UNKNOWN [caster level 1st]
UNKNOWN [caster level 3rd]
UNKNOWN [wretch race]
UNKNOWN [hilt bash class feature]
UNKNOWN [hilt bash class feature]
UNKNOWN [gnome magic racial trait]
UNKNOWN [must be wielding a spear in both hands]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast a spell with the acid descriptor]
UNKNOWN [combat channeling]
UNKNOWN [channel energy 5d6]
UNKNOWN [channel energy 2d6]
UNKNOWN [channel energy 2d6]
UNKNOWN [channeled cone]
UNKNOWN [channel energy 6d6 (positive energy)]
UNKNOWN [channel energy 3d6]
UNKNOWN [channel energy 4d6]
UNKNOWN [channel negative energy 3d6]
UNKNOWN [grab]
UNKNOWN [reach (10 ft. or greater)]
UNKNOWN [cat's claws racial trait]
UNKNOWN [animal intelligence (1 or 2)]
UNKNOWN [combat maneuvering class feature]
UNKNOWN [at least two style feats]
UNKNOWN [bonded creature]
UNKNOWN [bonded creature 4th-level]
UNKNOWN [bonded creature 4th-level]
UNKNOWN [bonded creature 14th-level]
UNKNOWN [bonded creature 4th-level]
UNKNOWN [bonded creature 4th-level]
UNKNOWN [bonded creature 12th-level]
UNKNOWN [bonded creature 14th-level]
UNKNOWN [bonded creature]
UNKNOWN [bonded creature]
UNKNOWN [condemnation class feature]
UNKNOWN [breath weapon]
UNKNOWN [any item creation feat]
UNKNOWN [you have at least two other teamwork feats]
UNKNOWN [nature's bond class feature]
UNKNOWN [less]
UNKNOWN [at least one spell-like]
UNKNOWN [supernatural ability]
UNKNOWN [corsair's luck class feature]
UNKNOWN [armiger talent (slam) class feature]
UNKNOWN [safeguard class feature]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast divine spells of at least 1st-level]
UNKNOWN [must worship a non-evil deity]
UNKNOWN [craven racial trait]
UNKNOWN [fearless racial trait]
UNKNOWN [participation in an active coven]
UNKNOWN [any item creation feat]
UNKNOWN [caster level 5th]
UNKNOWN [caster level 5th]
UNKNOWN [caster level 9th]
UNKNOWN [caster level 9th]
UNKNOWN [caster level 11th]
UNKNOWN [caster level 5th]
UNKNOWN [caster level 3rd]
UNKNOWN [caster level 5th]
UNKNOWN [any two critical feats]
UNKNOWN [ability damage]
UNKNOWN [worshiper (specific faith or ethos)]
UNKNOWN [sneak attack +5d6]
UNKNOWN [proficiency with 3 kakute-ryu-ninjutsu weapons]
UNKNOWN [hatred special ability]
UNKNOWN [grab]
UNKNOWN [breath weapon]
UNKNOWN [darkvision 60 feet]
UNKNOWN [link class feature]
UNKNOWN [deployment class feature]
UNKNOWN [caster level 11th]
UNKNOWN [the ability to craft a ranger trap]
UNKNOWN [ferocity]
UNKNOWN [flight]
UNKNOWN [utility shot deed]
UNKNOWN [rend]
UNKNOWN [any item creation feat]
UNKNOWN [witch sense class ability]
UNKNOWN [keen senses racial trait]
UNKNOWN [ceremonial oath to uphold a knightly code of conduct]
UNKNOWN [caster level 7th]
UNKNOWN [proficient with weapon]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast divine spells]
UNKNOWN [divine spellcaster]
UNKNOWN [caster level 10th]
UNKNOWN [paper talisman class feature]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast divine spells]
UNKNOWN [breath weapon]
UNKNOWN [either draconic breath]
UNKNOWN [caster level 8th]
UNKNOWN [caster level 8th]
UNKNOWN [caster level 12th]
UNKNOWN [fear (aura or cone)]
UNKNOWN [frightful presence]
UNKNOWN [able to use drow spell-like abilities]
UNKNOWN [divine aspect]
UNKNOWN [keen senses racial trait]
UNKNOWN [defensive training racial trait]
UNKNOWN [defensive training racial trait]
UNKNOWN [defensive training racial trait]
UNKNOWN [caster level 10]
UNKNOWN [elemental (earth) sorcerer bloodline]
UNKNOWN [natural weapons]
UNKNOWN [alchemist]
UNKNOWN [oracle mystery]
UNKNOWN [divine spellcasting ability]
UNKNOWN [one other teamwork feat]
UNKNOWN [vow of honor]
UNKNOWN [bonded dragon steed class feature]
UNKNOWN [low-light vision class feature]
UNKNOWN [hardy divine trait ability]
UNKNOWN [scent ability]
UNKNOWN [wolf transformation class feature]
UNKNOWN [innate breath weapon]
UNKNOWN [master of melee combat class feature]
UNKNOWN [bloodsport showman class feature]
UNKNOWN [you have been struck by a 3rd-level]
UNKNOWN [higher spell with a specific energy descriptor that overcame your evasion ability]
UNKNOWN [bleed]
UNKNOWN [hybrid transformation class feature]
UNKNOWN [wolf transformation class feature]
UNKNOWN [caster level 1st]
UNKNOWN [illusion resistance racial trait]
UNKNOWN [swallow whole]
UNKNOWN [skilled driver with the selected vehicle type]
UNKNOWN [armiger talent class feature]
UNKNOWN [battle tactics class feature]
UNKNOWN [breath weapon]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast cantrips]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast orisons]
UNKNOWN [condemnation class feature]
UNKNOWN [corsair's luck class feature]
UNKNOWN [spagyric device class feature]
UNKNOWN [devotee talent class feature]
UNKNOWN [enhance bond weapon class feature]
UNKNOWN [ability to acquire a familiar]
UNKNOWN [the amateur gunslinger]
UNKNOWN [hybrid transformation class feature]
UNKNOWN [improbable class feature]
UNKNOWN [moment of chance class feature]
UNKNOWN [moment of change class feature]
UNKNOWN [motes of time class feature]
UNKNOWN [nothing is written class feature]
UNKNOWN [ranger talent class feature]
UNKNOWN [scion talent class feature]
UNKNOWN [shaped capacity class feature]
UNKNOWN [temporal talent class feature]
UNKNOWN [war master talent class feature]
UNKNOWN [caster level 6th]
UNKNOWN [ability to acquire a familiar]
UNKNOWN [ability to acquire a familiar]
UNKNOWN [ability to acquire a familiar]
UNKNOWN [ability to acquire a familiar]
UNKNOWN [ability to acquire a familiar]
UNKNOWN [ability to acquire a familiar]
UNKNOWN [moment of chance class feature]
UNKNOWN [devotion to a single deity]
UNKNOWN [caster level 8th]
UNKNOWN [ferocity racial trait]
UNKNOWN [orc ferocity racial trait]
UNKNOWN [ferocity racial trait]
UNKNOWN [darkvision 60 ft.]
UNKNOWN [keen senses racial trait]
UNKNOWN [naga race]
UNKNOWN [serpentfolk race]
UNKNOWN [naga race]
UNKNOWN [serpentfolk race]
UNKNOWN [naga race]
UNKNOWN [serpentfolk race]
UNKNOWN [caster level 10]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast bard spells]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast an arcane fire spell from some other spellcasting class]
UNKNOWN [elemental (fire) sorcerer bloodline]
UNKNOWN [proficiency with 3 kakute-ryu-ninjutsu weapons]
UNKNOWN [corsair's luck class feature]
UNKNOWN [fly speed (maneuverability of good or better)]
UNKNOWN [cannot possess levels in barbarian]
UNKNOWN [any class that grants rage]
UNKNOWN [a rage-like ability]
UNKNOWN [oracle]
UNKNOWN [force missile class feature]
UNKNOWN [caster level 7th]
UNKNOWN [proficient with armor]
UNKNOWN [shield]
UNKNOWN [adaptable luck racial trait]
UNKNOWN [devotion to a deity whose clerics have access to the luck domain]
UNKNOWN [bloodsport showman class feature]
UNKNOWN [excerceo class feature]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast a spell with the cold descriptor]
UNKNOWN [any item creation feat]
UNKNOWN [any ranks in craft]
UNKNOWN [summon]
UNKNOWN [gearforged]
UNKNOWN [natural reach (10 ft. or longer)]
UNKNOWN [slow]
UNKNOWN [steady racial trait]
UNKNOWN [gnome magic racial trait]
UNKNOWN [proficient with all martial weapons]
UNKNOWN [song of surrender bardic performance]
UNKNOWN [hilt bash class feature]
UNKNOWN [hatred racial trait]
UNKNOWN [stealth attack class feature]
UNKNOWN [caster level 12th]
UNKNOWN [bolt time class feature]
UNKNOWN [bulwark class feature]
UNKNOWN [armiger talents (citadel) class feature]
UNKNOWN [safeguard class feature]
UNKNOWN [channel energy 6d6]
UNKNOWN [crush]
UNKNOWN [curse of lycanthropy]
UNKNOWN [devoted strike class feature]
UNKNOWN [dirty fighting class feature]
UNKNOWN [bonded dragon steed class feature]
UNKNOWN [resist energy class feature]
UNKNOWN [dream haunting]
UNKNOWN [able to use drow spell-like abilities]
UNKNOWN [ferocity]
UNKNOWN [trip]
UNKNOWN [paper talisman class feature]
UNKNOWN [paralysis]
UNKNOWN [pounce]
UNKNOWN [bite]
UNKNOWN [at least two claw attacks]
UNKNOWN [pull]
UNKNOWN [push]
UNKNOWN [shifting resistance class feature]
UNKNOWN [able to prepare 5th-level spells]
UNKNOWN [poison (bite)]
UNKNOWN [spit]
UNKNOWN [stench]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast creation spells]
UNKNOWN [gnome magic racial trait]
UNKNOWN [hatred racial trait]
UNKNOWN [vow of servitude]
UNKNOWN [vow of honesty]
UNKNOWN [caster level 5]
UNKNOWN [drow-blooded]
UNKNOWN [drow magic racial traits]
UNKNOWN [gnome magic racial trait]
UNKNOWN [gnome magic racial trait]
UNKNOWN [gnome magic racial trait]
UNKNOWN [sufficiently high level (see below)]
UNKNOWN [excerceo class feature]
UNKNOWN [persona class feature]
UNKNOWN [accursed strike magus arcana]
UNKNOWN [a chosen class ability that is a permanent choice]
UNKNOWN [handle animal 1 rank; either the animal companion]
UNKNOWN [mount class feature; human]
UNKNOWN [divine spellcasting ability]
UNKNOWN [nature's bond class feature]
UNKNOWN [you must have an animal companion]
UNKNOWN [arcane caster level 5th]
UNKNOWN [arcane caster level 5th]
UNKNOWN [must have an arcane bond object]
UNKNOWN [arcane smite class feature]
UNKNOWN [arcane caster level 10th]
UNKNOWN [bolt time class feature]
UNKNOWN [bulwark class feature]
UNKNOWN [burn]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast spells]
UNKNOWN [channel energy 4d6]
UNKNOWN [constrict]
UNKNOWN [crush]
UNKNOWN [curse of lycanthropy]
UNKNOWN [devoted strike class feature]
UNKNOWN [dirty fighting class feature]
UNKNOWN [bonded dragon steed class feature]
UNKNOWN [resist energy class feature]
UNKNOWN [dream haunting]
UNKNOWN [able to use drow spell-like abilities]
UNKNOWN [ability to acquire a new familiar]
UNKNOWN [sufficiently high level (see above)]
UNKNOWN [natural attack (sting)]
UNKNOWN [low-blow racial trait]
UNKNOWN [trip]
UNKNOWN [at least three hands]
UNKNOWN [moment of chance class feature]
UNKNOWN [natural armor]
UNKNOWN [natural weapon]
UNKNOWN [nature's healing class feature]
UNKNOWN [orc ferocity trait]
UNKNOWN [paralysis]
UNKNOWN [pounce]
UNKNOWN [powerful charge]
UNKNOWN [pull]
UNKNOWN [push]
UNKNOWN [caster level 11th]
UNKNOWN [innate spell resistance]
UNKNOWN [ability to acquire (an animal companion, eidolon, familiar, or special mount)]
UNKNOWN [shifting resistance class feature]
UNKNOWN [sleight of hand as class skill]
UNKNOWN [sneak attack +4d6]
UNKNOWN [poison (bite)]
UNKNOWN [spit]
UNKNOWN [stench]
UNKNOWN [stonecunning racial trait]
UNKNOWN [earth affinity racial trait]
UNKNOWN [stonecunning racial trait]
UNKNOWN [surprise follow through]
UNKNOWN [able to use drow spell-like abilities]
UNKNOWN [any style feat]
UNKNOWN [improvised weapon fighting]
UNKNOWN [natural attack (sting)]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast a spell with the fire descriptor]
UNKNOWN [grab]
UNKNOWN [any other supernatural]
UNKNOWN [you were exiled]
UNKNOWN [branded as a convicted criminal]
UNKNOWN [spellbook]
UNKNOWN [cavalier bonus feat slot]
UNKNOWN [order ability class feature]
UNKNOWN [skills normally granted by second order as class skills]
UNKNOWN [bonded dragon steed class feature]
UNKNOWN [summon steed class feature]
UNKNOWN [gaze]
UNKNOWN [proficiency with 3 kusari-ryu-ninjutsu weapons]
UNKNOWN [proficiency with 3 kusari-ryu-ninjutsu weapons]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast arcane bard spells]
UNKNOWN [fly speed (maneuverability of good or better)]
UNKNOWN [proficiency with 3 kakute-ryu-ninjutsu weapons]
UNKNOWN [song of surrender bardic performance]
UNKNOWN [cavalier bonus feat slot]
UNKNOWN [order ability class feature]
UNKNOWN [skills normally granted by second order as class skills]
UNKNOWN [proficiency with 3 kusari-ryu-ninjutsu weapons]
UNKNOWN [grin]
UNKNOWN [bear it]
UNKNOWN [stability racial trait]
UNKNOWN [fast healing]
UNKNOWN [regeneration]
UNKNOWN [ability to acquire a familiar]
UNKNOWN [rejuvenation]
UNKNOWN [paralyzing touch]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast arcane bard divination spells]
UNKNOWN [adaptive luck racial trait]
UNKNOWN [adaptive luck racial trait]
UNKNOWN [stonewarden gargoyle race]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast 9th-level spells]
UNKNOWN [malevolence]
UNKNOWN [misery]
UNKNOWN [at least three performance feats]
UNKNOWN [any two improved combat maneuver feats (such as improved bull rush or improved disarm)]
UNKNOWN [cavalier bonus feat slot]
UNKNOWN [order ability class feature]
UNKNOWN [skills normally granted by second order as class skills]
UNKNOWN [disarm]
UNKNOWN [detain]
UNKNOWN [any two performance feats]
UNKNOWN [blinkling race]
UNKNOWN [caster level 5th]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast spells without preparation]
UNKNOWN [shaped capacity class feature]
UNKNOWN [telepathy]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast 4th-level spells]
UNKNOWN [moment of change class feature]
UNKNOWN [7 ranks in any skill]
UNKNOWN [darkvision racial trait]
UNKNOWN [low-light vision racial trait]
UNKNOWN [darkvision racial trait]
UNKNOWN [low-light vision racial trait]
UNKNOWN [darkvision racial trait]
UNKNOWN [low-light vision racial trait]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast summon nature's ally]
UNKNOWN [vow of honor]
UNKNOWN [moment of chance class feature]
UNKNOWN [bonded dragon steed class feature]
UNKNOWN [summon steed class feature]
UNKNOWN [ability drain]
UNKNOWN [energy drain]
UNKNOWN [mount training]
UNKNOWN [at least three natural attacks]
UNKNOWN [at least three hands]
UNKNOWN [multitalented racial trait]
UNKNOWN [at least three hands]
UNKNOWN [spellbane class feature]
UNKNOWN [cursebreaker class feature]
UNKNOWN [seen]
UNKNOWN [unseen]
UNKNOWN [ability to create magical darkness]
UNKNOWN [trained in riding]
UNKNOWN [sprinter racial trait]
UNKNOWN [song of surrender bardic performance]
UNKNOWN [hilt bash class feature]
UNKNOWN [knockout class feature]
UNKNOWN [swear an oath to preserve life (even that of your enemy) at any cost]
UNKNOWN [oathbound paladin]
UNKNOWN [oathbound paladin]
UNKNOWN [more oaths]
UNKNOWN [you were left forsaken as a youth in the wilderness]
UNKNOWN [raised by an animal]
UNKNOWN [energy drain]
UNKNOWN [pact with a lawful evil outsider]
UNKNOWN [anchoring aura class feature]
UNKNOWN [disease]
UNKNOWN [outsider native to a chaotically-aligned plane]
UNKNOWN [humanoid]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast arcane bard spells]
UNKNOWN [any one performance feat]
UNKNOWN [sneak attack +2d6]
UNKNOWN [preservationist alchemist archetype]
UNKNOWN [gaze (turn to stone permanently)]
UNKNOWN [petrification]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast a detection spell]
UNKNOWN [reckless offense]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast tongues as an arcane bard spell]
UNKNOWN [caster level 6th]
UNKNOWN [gm's permission]
UNKNOWN [ability to manifest psionic powers]
UNKNOWN [vow of abstinence]
UNKNOWN [vow of poverty]
UNKNOWN [armiger talent (picket) class feature]
UNKNOWN [armiger talent (spear brace) class feature]
UNKNOWN [caster level 8th]
UNKNOWN [outsider native to a chaotically-aligned plane]
UNKNOWN [create spawn]
UNKNOWN [you were exiled]
UNKNOWN [branded as a convicted criminal]
UNKNOWN [wyrd race]
UNKNOWN [lurker race]
UNKNOWN [energy resistance (acid, cold, electricity, or fire)]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast 6th level spells]
UNKNOWN [reputation class feature]
UNKNOWN [caster level 1st]
UNKNOWN [bulwark class feature]
UNKNOWN [reflect class feature]
UNKNOWN [exposure to any spell whose effect is a ray]
UNKNOWN [you embed a special gem (worth at least 100gp) in the palm of your off-hand]
UNKNOWN [regeneration]
UNKNOWN [bloodsport showman class feature]
UNKNOWN [excerceo class feature]
UNKNOWN [caster level 5th]
UNKNOWN [two claw natural weapon attacks]
UNKNOWN [two separate natural attacks with the grab ability]
UNKNOWN [able to cast divine spells]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast summon monster]
UNKNOWN [you can only take this feat as a 1st level bard]
UNKNOWN [sneak attack +1d6]
UNKNOWN [sneak attack +3d6]
UNKNOWN [caster level 1st]
UNKNOWN [humanoid]
UNKNOWN [wizard school class feature]
UNKNOWN [caster level 1st]
UNKNOWN [: spellcraft 5 ranks]
UNKNOWN [breath weapon]
UNKNOWN [any other breath weapon feat]
UNKNOWN [caster level 11]
UNKNOWN [any greater combat maneuver feat (such as greater bull rush or greater disarm)]
UNKNOWN [any improved combat maneuver feat (such as improved bull rush or improved disarm)]
UNKNOWN [caster level 1st]
UNKNOWN [ability to use any polymorph effect]
UNKNOWN [keen senses racial trait]
UNKNOWN [any two style feats]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast a spell with the electricity descriptor]
UNKNOWN [nimble +1]
UNKNOWN [devotee talent class feature]
UNKNOWN [proficiency with one siege engine]
UNKNOWN [bloodsport showman class feature]
UNKNOWN [excerceo class feature]
UNKNOWN [signature move class feature]
UNKNOWN [the ability to craft a ranger trap]
UNKNOWN [detect undead paladin class feature]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast summon monster]
UNKNOWN [caster level 5]
UNKNOWN [enslaved (you are branded a slave from birth, conquered and enslaved, or kidnapped into slavery)]
UNKNOWN [sneak attack +2d6]
UNKNOWN [any critical feat]
UNKNOWN [fast performance class feature]
UNKNOWN [swift performance class feature]
UNKNOWN [arcane spellcasting ability]
UNKNOWN [ability drain]
UNKNOWN [energy drain]
UNKNOWN [lifesense]
UNKNOWN [create spawn]
UNKNOWN [devoted strike class feature]
UNKNOWN [spellbane class feature]
UNKNOWN [at least three metamagic feats]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast 1st-level spells]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast summon monster]
UNKNOWN [summon nature's ally spells]
UNKNOWN [poison (bite)]
UNKNOWN [weapon made of primitive material]
UNKNOWN [caster level 18th]
UNKNOWN [one metamagic feat]
UNKNOWN [ability to spontaneously cast spells]
UNKNOWN [stalwart magus arcana]
UNKNOWN [tremorsense]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast summon nature's ally]
UNKNOWN [focused shot:rite]
UNKNOWN [favored enemy (any) +6]
UNKNOWN [mote of time class feature]
UNKNOWN [temporal talent (steal fate) class feature]
UNKNOWN [temporal talent (steal time) class feature]
UNKNOWN [bonded dragon steed class feature]
UNKNOWN [hardy racial trait]
UNKNOWN [earth affinity racial trait]
UNKNOWN [stonecunning racial trait]
UNKNOWN [eyes of the storm:barbarian class feature]
UNKNOWN [sneak attack +1d6]
UNKNOWN [link]
UNKNOWN [wing-clipped racial trait]
UNKNOWN [caster level 1st]
UNKNOWN [oracle mystery]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast summon nature's ally]
UNKNOWN [caster level 3rd]
UNKNOWN [shining star class feature]
UNKNOWN [fleet of foot racial trait]
UNKNOWN [focused shot:rite]
UNKNOWN [breath weapon]
UNKNOWN [fly speed (maneuverability of good or better)]
UNKNOWN [nonlawful]
UNKNOWN [any improved combat maneuver feat (such as improved bull rush or improved disarm)]
UNKNOWN [battle tactics class feature]
UNKNOWN [battle tactics class feature]
UNKNOWN [individual tactics class feature]
UNKNOWN [tail]
UNKNOWN [smaller]
UNKNOWN [moment of change class feature]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast 4th level arcane spells]
UNKNOWN [frightful presence]
UNKNOWN [proficiency with selected weapon]
UNKNOWN [proficiency with spear]
UNKNOWN [improved grab]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast 1st-level arcane spells]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast 1st-level divine spells]
UNKNOWN [mote of time class feature]
UNKNOWN [temporal talent (old wounds) class feature]
UNKNOWN [age (middle age category or older)]
UNKNOWN [any style feat]
UNKNOWN [hardy racial trait]
UNKNOWN [hybrid transformation class feature]
UNKNOWN [defensive training racial trait]
UNKNOWN [devotion to a deity whose clerics have access to the luck domain]
UNKNOWN [swarming racial trait]
UNKNOWN [defensive training racial trait]
UNKNOWN [defensive training racial trait]
UNKNOWN [defensive training racial trait]
UNKNOWN [able to use drow spell-like abilities]
UNKNOWN [any style feat]
UNKNOWN [paper talisman class feature]
UNKNOWN [undead]
UNKNOWN [the ability to cast tongues as an arcane bard spell]
UNKNOWN [a specific detect alignment class feature]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast 1st-level paladin spells]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast 1st level paladin spells]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast antipaladin spells]
UNKNOWN [moment of change class feature]
UNKNOWN [shaped capacity class feature]
UNKNOWN [change shape (beast shape i) class feature]
UNKNOWN [arcane bond weapon class feature]
UNKNOWN [arcane caster level 3rd]
UNKNOWN [arcane weapon bond]
UNKNOWN [iron grip class feature]
UNKNOWN [arcane caster level 9th]
UNKNOWN [hatred racial trait]
UNKNOWN [necromancer]
UNKNOWN [neutrally aligned cleric (see below)]
UNKNOWN [when near death (one hit point from death) you have returned to your maximum health via a single healing spell]
UNKNOWN [natural attacks (three or more)]
UNKNOWN [bleed]
UNKNOWN [poison]
UNKNOWN [poison]
UNKNOWN [natural attack (slashing)]
UNKNOWN [moment of chance class feature]
UNKNOWN [improbable class feature (hazard)]
UNKNOWN [caster level 7th]
UNKNOWN [caster level 3rd]
UNKNOWN [caster level 4]
UNKNOWN [arcane spellcaster]
UNKNOWN [caster level 10th]
UNKNOWN [arcane spellcaster]
UNKNOWN [caster level 10th]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast arcane spells]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast divine spells]
UNKNOWN [caster level 10]
UNKNOWN [elemental (water) sorcerer bloodline]
UNKNOWN [moment of chance class feature]
UNKNOWN [lunar link class feature]
UNKNOWN [repair 5 ranks]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast arcane bard spells]
UNKNOWN [divine spellcasting ability]
UNKNOWN [witch class]
UNKNOWN [nails hex]
UNKNOWN [divine spellcaster level 5th]
UNKNOWN [hit points 50]

And sorted, which provides some handy grouping:

UNKNOWN [100+ years old]
UNKNOWN [7 ranks in any skill]
UNKNOWN [: spellcraft 5 ranks]
UNKNOWN [a chosen class ability that is a permanent choice]
UNKNOWN [a racial magic trait that grants spell-like abilities]
UNKNOWN [a rage-like ability]
UNKNOWN [a specific detect alignment class feature]
UNKNOWN [ability damage]
UNKNOWN [ability drain]
UNKNOWN [ability drain]
UNKNOWN [ability drain]
UNKNOWN [ability drain]
UNKNOWN [ability to acquire (an animal companion, eidolon, familiar, or special mount)]
UNKNOWN [ability to acquire a familiar]
UNKNOWN [ability to acquire a familiar]
UNKNOWN [ability to acquire a familiar]
UNKNOWN [ability to acquire a familiar]
UNKNOWN [ability to acquire a familiar]
UNKNOWN [ability to acquire a familiar]
UNKNOWN [ability to acquire a familiar]
UNKNOWN [ability to acquire a familiar]
UNKNOWN [ability to acquire a new familiar]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast 1st level paladin spells]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast 1st-level arcane spells]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast 1st-level divine spells]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast 1st-level paladin spells]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast 1st-level spells]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast 4th level arcane spells]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast 4th-level spells]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast 6th level arcane spells]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast 6th level arcane spells]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast 6th level spells]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast 9th-level spells]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast a detection spell]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast a spell with the acid descriptor]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast a spell with the cold descriptor]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast a spell with the electricity descriptor]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast a spell with the fire descriptor]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast a spell with the sonic descriptor]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast an arcane fire spell from some other spellcasting class]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast antipaladin spells]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast arcane bard divination spells]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast arcane bard spells]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast arcane bard spells]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast arcane bard spells]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast arcane spells]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast arcane spells]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast bard spells]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast cantrips]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast creation spells]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast divine spells of at least 1st-level]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast divine spells]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast divine spells]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast divine spells]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast orisons]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast spells without preparation]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast spells]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast summon monster]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast summon monster]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast summon monster]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast summon nature's ally]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast summon nature's ally]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast summon nature's ally]
UNKNOWN [ability to cast tongues as an arcane bard spell]
UNKNOWN [ability to create magical darkness]
UNKNOWN [ability to manifest psionic powers]
UNKNOWN [ability to spontaneously cast spells]
UNKNOWN [ability to use any polymorph effect]
UNKNOWN [able to cast 3rd level spells]
UNKNOWN [able to cast divine spells]
UNKNOWN [able to prepare 5th-level spells]
UNKNOWN [able to use drow spell-like abilities]
UNKNOWN [able to use drow spell-like abilities]
UNKNOWN [able to use drow spell-like abilities]
UNKNOWN [able to use drow spell-like abilities]
UNKNOWN [able to use drow spell-like abilities]
UNKNOWN [accursed strike magus arcana]
UNKNOWN [adaptable luck racial trait]
UNKNOWN [adaptable luck racial trait]
UNKNOWN [adaptive luck racial trait]
UNKNOWN [adaptive luck racial trait]
UNKNOWN [age (middle age category or older)]
UNKNOWN [alchemist]
UNKNOWN [alignment matches your patron deity]
UNKNOWN [alignment that includes a neutral element]
UNKNOWN [anchoring aura class feature]
UNKNOWN [animal intelligence (1 or 2)]
UNKNOWN [any class that grants rage]
UNKNOWN [any critical feat]
UNKNOWN [any greater combat maneuver feat (such as greater bull rush or greater disarm)]
UNKNOWN [any improved combat maneuver feat (such as improved bull rush or improved disarm)]
UNKNOWN [any improved combat maneuver feat (such as improved bull rush or improved disarm)]
UNKNOWN [any item creation feat]
UNKNOWN [any item creation feat]
UNKNOWN [any item creation feat]
UNKNOWN [any item creation feat]
UNKNOWN [any one performance feat]
UNKNOWN [any other breath weapon feat]
UNKNOWN [any other supernatural]
UNKNOWN [any ranks in craft]
UNKNOWN [any style feat]
UNKNOWN [any style feat]
UNKNOWN [any style feat]
UNKNOWN [any two critical feats]
UNKNOWN [any two improved combat maneuver feats (such as improved bull rush or improved disarm)]
UNKNOWN [any two performance feats]
UNKNOWN [any two style feats]
UNKNOWN [arcane augmentation class feature]
UNKNOWN [arcane bond weapon class feature]
UNKNOWN [arcane bond weapon class feature]
UNKNOWN [arcane caster level 10th]
UNKNOWN [arcane caster level 15th]
UNKNOWN [arcane caster level 3rd]
UNKNOWN [arcane caster level 5th]
UNKNOWN [arcane caster level 5th]
UNKNOWN [arcane caster level 5th]
UNKNOWN [arcane caster level 9th]
UNKNOWN [arcane smite class feature]
UNKNOWN [arcane spellcaster]
UNKNOWN [arcane spellcaster]
UNKNOWN [arcane spellcaster]
UNKNOWN [arcane spellcaster]
UNKNOWN [arcane spellcaster]
UNKNOWN [arcane spellcasting ability]
UNKNOWN [arcane weapon bond]
UNKNOWN [armiger talent (picket) class feature]
UNKNOWN [armiger talent (slam) class feature]
UNKNOWN [armiger talent (spear brace) class feature]
UNKNOWN [armiger talent class feature]
UNKNOWN [armiger talents (citadel) class feature]
UNKNOWN [armored dr class feature]
UNKNOWN [at least one bard spell known with the emotion descriptor]
UNKNOWN [at least one spell-like]
UNKNOWN [at least three hands]
UNKNOWN [at least three hands]
UNKNOWN [at least three hands]
UNKNOWN [at least three metamagic feats]
UNKNOWN [at least three natural attacks]
UNKNOWN [at least three performance feats]
UNKNOWN [at least two claw attacks]
UNKNOWN [at least two style feats]
UNKNOWN [barbarian]
UNKNOWN [battle tactics class feature]
UNKNOWN [battle tactics class feature]
UNKNOWN [battle tactics class feature]
UNKNOWN [bear it]
UNKNOWN [bite attack racial trait]
UNKNOWN [bite]
UNKNOWN [bleed]
UNKNOWN [bleed]
UNKNOWN [blinded condition]
UNKNOWN [blinkling race]
UNKNOWN [bloodsport showman class feature]
UNKNOWN [bloodsport showman class feature]
UNKNOWN [bloodsport showman class feature]
UNKNOWN [bloodsport showman class feature]
UNKNOWN [bolt time class feature]
UNKNOWN [bolt time class feature]
UNKNOWN [bonded creature 12th-level]
UNKNOWN [bonded creature 14th-level]
UNKNOWN [bonded creature 14th-level]
UNKNOWN [bonded creature 4th-level]
UNKNOWN [bonded creature 4th-level]
UNKNOWN [bonded creature 4th-level]
UNKNOWN [bonded creature 4th-level]
UNKNOWN [bonded creature]
UNKNOWN [bonded creature]
UNKNOWN [bonded creature]
UNKNOWN [bonded dragon steed class feature]
UNKNOWN [bonded dragon steed class feature]
UNKNOWN [bonded dragon steed class feature]
UNKNOWN [bonded dragon steed class feature]
UNKNOWN [bonded dragon steed class feature]
UNKNOWN [bonded dragon steed class feature]
UNKNOWN [bonded object]
UNKNOWN [bonded object]
UNKNOWN [branded as a convicted criminal]
UNKNOWN [branded as a convicted criminal]
UNKNOWN [breath weapon]
UNKNOWN [breath weapon]
UNKNOWN [breath weapon]
UNKNOWN [breath weapon]
UNKNOWN [breath weapon]
UNKNOWN [breath weapon]
UNKNOWN [breath weapon]
UNKNOWN [breath weapon]
UNKNOWN [breath weapon]
UNKNOWN [bulwark class feature]
UNKNOWN [bulwark class feature]
UNKNOWN [bulwark class feature]
UNKNOWN [burn]
UNKNOWN [cannot possess levels in barbarian]
UNKNOWN [capsize]
UNKNOWN [caster level 10]
UNKNOWN [caster level 10]
UNKNOWN [caster level 10]
UNKNOWN [caster level 10]
UNKNOWN [caster level 10th]
UNKNOWN [caster level 10th]
UNKNOWN [caster level 10th]
UNKNOWN [caster level 10th]
UNKNOWN [caster level 10th]
UNKNOWN [caster level 10th]
UNKNOWN [caster level 11]
UNKNOWN [caster level 11th]
UNKNOWN [caster level 11th]
UNKNOWN [caster level 11th]
UNKNOWN [caster level 12th]
UNKNOWN [caster level 12th]
UNKNOWN [caster level 18th]
UNKNOWN [caster level 1st]
UNKNOWN [caster level 1st]
UNKNOWN [caster level 1st]
UNKNOWN [caster level 1st]
UNKNOWN [caster level 1st]
UNKNOWN [caster level 1st]
UNKNOWN [caster level 1st]
UNKNOWN [caster level 1st]
UNKNOWN [caster level 3rd]
UNKNOWN [caster level 3rd]
UNKNOWN [caster level 3rd]
UNKNOWN [caster level 3rd]
UNKNOWN [caster level 3rd]
UNKNOWN [caster level 4]
UNKNOWN [caster level 5]
UNKNOWN [caster level 5]
UNKNOWN [caster level 5th]
UNKNOWN [caster level 5th]
UNKNOWN [caster level 5th]
UNKNOWN [caster level 5th]
UNKNOWN [caster level 5th]
UNKNOWN [caster level 5th]
UNKNOWN [caster level 5th]
UNKNOWN [caster level 6th]
UNKNOWN [caster level 6th]
UNKNOWN [caster level 7th]
UNKNOWN [caster level 7th]
UNKNOWN [caster level 7th]
UNKNOWN [caster level 7th]
UNKNOWN [caster level 8th]
UNKNOWN [caster level 8th]
UNKNOWN [caster level 8th]
UNKNOWN [caster level 8th]
UNKNOWN [caster level 8th]
UNKNOWN [caster level 9th]
UNKNOWN [caster level 9th]
UNKNOWN [caster level 9th]
UNKNOWN [caster level 9th]
UNKNOWN [cat's claws racial trait]
UNKNOWN [cavalier bonus feat slot]
UNKNOWN [cavalier bonus feat slot]
UNKNOWN [cavalier bonus feat slot]
UNKNOWN [ceremonial oath to uphold a knightly code of conduct]
UNKNOWN [change shape (beast shape i) class feature]
UNKNOWN [change shape (beast shape iii) class feature]
UNKNOWN [channel energy 2d6]
UNKNOWN [channel energy 2d6]
UNKNOWN [channel energy 3d6]
UNKNOWN [channel energy 4d6]
UNKNOWN [channel energy 4d6]
UNKNOWN [channel energy 5d6]
UNKNOWN [channel energy 6d6 (positive energy)]
UNKNOWN [channel energy 6d6]
UNKNOWN [channel negative energy 3d6]
UNKNOWN [channeled cone]
UNKNOWN [combat channeling]
UNKNOWN [combat maneuvering class feature]
UNKNOWN [condemnation class feature]
UNKNOWN [condemnation class feature]
UNKNOWN [condemnation class feature]
UNKNOWN [constrict]
UNKNOWN [corsair's luck class feature]
UNKNOWN [corsair's luck class feature]
UNKNOWN [corsair's luck class feature]
UNKNOWN [craven racial trait]
UNKNOWN [create spawn]
UNKNOWN [create spawn]
UNKNOWN [crush]
UNKNOWN [crush]
UNKNOWN [curse of lycanthropy]
UNKNOWN [curse of lycanthropy]
UNKNOWN [curse]
UNKNOWN [cursebreaker class feature]
UNKNOWN [darkvision 60 feet]
UNKNOWN [darkvision 60 ft.]
UNKNOWN [darkvision racial trait]
UNKNOWN [darkvision racial trait]
UNKNOWN [darkvision racial trait]
UNKNOWN [death attack class feature]
UNKNOWN [defensive training racial trait]
UNKNOWN [defensive training racial trait]
UNKNOWN [defensive training racial trait]
UNKNOWN [defensive training racial trait]
UNKNOWN [defensive training racial trait]
UNKNOWN [defensive training racial trait]
UNKNOWN [defensive training racial trait]
UNKNOWN [deployment class feature]
UNKNOWN [detain]
UNKNOWN [detect undead paladin class feature]
UNKNOWN [devoted strike class feature]
UNKNOWN [devoted strike class feature]
UNKNOWN [devoted strike class feature]
UNKNOWN [devotee talent class feature]
UNKNOWN [devotee talent class feature]
UNKNOWN [devotion to a deity whose clerics have access to the luck domain]
UNKNOWN [devotion to a deity whose clerics have access to the luck domain]
UNKNOWN [devotion to a single deity]
UNKNOWN [dex 13 (15 if winged)]
UNKNOWN [dirty fighting class feature]
UNKNOWN [dirty fighting class feature]
UNKNOWN [dirty fighting class feature]
UNKNOWN [disarm]
UNKNOWN [disease]
UNKNOWN [divine aspect]
UNKNOWN [divine spellcaster level 5th]
UNKNOWN [divine spellcaster]
UNKNOWN [divine spellcasting ability]
UNKNOWN [divine spellcasting ability]
UNKNOWN [divine spellcasting ability]
UNKNOWN [dream haunting]
UNKNOWN [dream haunting]
UNKNOWN [drow magic racial traits]
UNKNOWN [drow-blooded]
UNKNOWN [druid]
UNKNOWN [earth affinity racial trait]
UNKNOWN [earth affinity racial trait]
UNKNOWN [either draconic breath]
UNKNOWN [elemental (air) sorcerer bloodline]
UNKNOWN [elemental (earth) sorcerer bloodline]
UNKNOWN [elemental (fire) sorcerer bloodline]
UNKNOWN [elemental (water) sorcerer bloodline]
UNKNOWN [energy drain]
UNKNOWN [energy drain]
UNKNOWN [energy drain]
UNKNOWN [energy drain]
UNKNOWN [energy resistance (acid, cold, electricity, or fire)]
UNKNOWN [enhance bond weapon class feature]
UNKNOWN [enslaved (you are branded a slave from birth, conquered and enslaved, or kidnapped into slavery)]
UNKNOWN [enslaved (you are branded a slave from birth, conquered and enslaved, or kidnapped into slavery)]
UNKNOWN [excerceo class feature]
UNKNOWN [excerceo class feature]
UNKNOWN [excerceo class feature]
UNKNOWN [excerceo class feature]
UNKNOWN [exerceo class feature]
UNKNOWN [exposure to any spell whose effect is a ray]
UNKNOWN [eyes of the storm:barbarian class feature]
UNKNOWN [familiar has speak with animals of its kind special ability]
UNKNOWN [fast healing]
UNKNOWN [fast on your feet class feature]
UNKNOWN [fast performance class feature]
UNKNOWN [favored enemy (any) +6]
UNKNOWN [fear (aura or cone)]
UNKNOWN [fearless racial trait]
UNKNOWN [female gender]
UNKNOWN [ferocity racial trait]
UNKNOWN [ferocity racial trait]
UNKNOWN [ferocity]
UNKNOWN [ferocity]
UNKNOWN [ferocity]
UNKNOWN [fleet of foot racial trait]
UNKNOWN [flight]
UNKNOWN [fly speed (maneuverability of good or better)]
UNKNOWN [fly speed (maneuverability of good or better)]
UNKNOWN [fly speed (maneuverability of good or better)]
UNKNOWN [focused shot:rite]
UNKNOWN [focused shot:rite]
UNKNOWN [force missile class feature]
UNKNOWN [frightful presence]
UNKNOWN [frightful presence]
UNKNOWN [gaze (turn to stone permanently)]
UNKNOWN [gaze]
UNKNOWN [gearforged]
UNKNOWN [gm's permission]
UNKNOWN [gnome magic racial trait]
UNKNOWN [gnome magic racial trait]
UNKNOWN [gnome magic racial trait]
UNKNOWN [gnome magic racial trait]
UNKNOWN [gnome magic racial trait]
UNKNOWN [gnome magic racial trait]
UNKNOWN [grab]
UNKNOWN [grab]
UNKNOWN [grab]
UNKNOWN [grin]
UNKNOWN [handle animal 1 rank; either the animal companion]
UNKNOWN [hardy divine trait ability]
UNKNOWN [hardy racial trait]
UNKNOWN [hardy racial trait]
UNKNOWN [hatred racial trait]
UNKNOWN [hatred racial trait]
UNKNOWN [hatred racial trait]
UNKNOWN [hatred special ability]
UNKNOWN [have a familiar]
UNKNOWN [have a familiar]
UNKNOWN [have a familiar]
UNKNOWN [have a familiar]
UNKNOWN [higher spell with a specific energy descriptor that overcame your evasion ability]
UNKNOWN [hilt bash class feature]
UNKNOWN [hilt bash class feature]
UNKNOWN [hilt bash class feature]
UNKNOWN [hilt bash class feature]
UNKNOWN [hit points 50]
UNKNOWN [humanoid]
UNKNOWN [humanoid]
UNKNOWN [hybrid transformation class feature]
UNKNOWN [hybrid transformation class feature]
UNKNOWN [hybrid transformation class feature]
UNKNOWN [illusion resistance racial trait]
UNKNOWN [improbable class feature (hazard)]
UNKNOWN [improbable class feature]
UNKNOWN [improved grab]
UNKNOWN [improvised weapon fighting]
UNKNOWN [individual tactics class feature]
UNKNOWN [innate breath weapon]
UNKNOWN [innate spell resistance]
UNKNOWN [iron grip class feature]
UNKNOWN [keen senses racial trait]
UNKNOWN [keen senses racial trait]
UNKNOWN [keen senses racial trait]
UNKNOWN [keen senses racial trait]
UNKNOWN [knockout class feature]
UNKNOWN [less]
UNKNOWN [lifesense]
UNKNOWN [link class feature]
UNKNOWN [link]
UNKNOWN [low-blow racial trait]
UNKNOWN [low-light vision class feature]
UNKNOWN [low-light vision racial trait]
UNKNOWN [low-light vision racial trait]
UNKNOWN [low-light vision racial trait]
UNKNOWN [low-light vision racial trait]
UNKNOWN [lunar link class feature]
UNKNOWN [lurker race]
UNKNOWN [malevolence]
UNKNOWN [master of melee combat class feature]
UNKNOWN [metamorph]
UNKNOWN [misery]
UNKNOWN [moment of chance class feature]
UNKNOWN [moment of chance class feature]
UNKNOWN [moment of chance class feature]
UNKNOWN [moment of chance class feature]
UNKNOWN [moment of chance class feature]
UNKNOWN [moment of chance class feature]
UNKNOWN [moment of change class feature]
UNKNOWN [moment of change class feature]
UNKNOWN [moment of change class feature]
UNKNOWN [moment of change class feature]
UNKNOWN [moment of change class feature]
UNKNOWN [more oaths]
UNKNOWN [mote of time class feature]
UNKNOWN [mote of time class feature]
UNKNOWN [motes of time class feature]
UNKNOWN [mount class feature; human]
UNKNOWN [mount training]
UNKNOWN [multitalented racial trait]
UNKNOWN [must be wielding a spear in both hands]
UNKNOWN [must have an arcane bond object]
UNKNOWN [must worship a non-evil deity]
UNKNOWN [naga race]
UNKNOWN [naga race]
UNKNOWN [naga race]
UNKNOWN [nails hex]
UNKNOWN [natural armor]
UNKNOWN [natural attack (slashing)]
UNKNOWN [natural attack (sting)]
UNKNOWN [natural attack (sting)]
UNKNOWN [natural attacks (three or more)]
UNKNOWN [natural reach (10 ft. or longer)]
UNKNOWN [natural weapon racial trait]
UNKNOWN [natural weapon]
UNKNOWN [natural weapons]
UNKNOWN [natural weapons]
UNKNOWN [nature's bond class feature]
UNKNOWN [nature's bond class feature]
UNKNOWN [nature's healing class feature]
UNKNOWN [necromancer]
UNKNOWN [neutrally aligned cleric (see below)]
UNKNOWN [nimble +1]
UNKNOWN [noble metamorphosis]
UNKNOWN [non-lawful]
UNKNOWN [nonlawful]
UNKNOWN [nothing is written class feature]
UNKNOWN [oathbound paladin]
UNKNOWN [oathbound paladin]
UNKNOWN [one metamagic feat]
UNKNOWN [one other teamwork feat]
UNKNOWN [oracle mystery]
UNKNOWN [oracle mystery]
UNKNOWN [oracle]
UNKNOWN [orc ferocity racial trait]
UNKNOWN [orc ferocity trait]
UNKNOWN [order ability class feature]
UNKNOWN [order ability class feature]
UNKNOWN [order ability class feature]
UNKNOWN [outsider native to a chaotically-aligned plane]
UNKNOWN [outsider native to a chaotically-aligned plane]
UNKNOWN [pact with a lawful evil outsider]
UNKNOWN [paper talisman class feature]
UNKNOWN [paper talisman class feature]
UNKNOWN [paper talisman class feature]
UNKNOWN [paralysis]
UNKNOWN [paralysis]
UNKNOWN [paralyzing touch]
UNKNOWN [participation in an active coven]
UNKNOWN [persona class feature]
UNKNOWN [persona class feature]
UNKNOWN [petrification]
UNKNOWN [poison (bite)]
UNKNOWN [poison (bite)]
UNKNOWN [poison (bite)]
UNKNOWN [poison]
UNKNOWN [poison]
UNKNOWN [pounce]
UNKNOWN [pounce]
UNKNOWN [powerful charge]
UNKNOWN [preservationist alchemist archetype]
UNKNOWN [proficiency with 3 kakute-ryu-ninjutsu weapons]
UNKNOWN [proficiency with 3 kakute-ryu-ninjutsu weapons]
UNKNOWN [proficiency with 3 kakute-ryu-ninjutsu weapons]
UNKNOWN [proficiency with 3 kusari-ryu-ninjutsu weapons]
UNKNOWN [proficiency with 3 kusari-ryu-ninjutsu weapons]
UNKNOWN [proficiency with 3 kusari-ryu-ninjutsu weapons]
UNKNOWN [proficiency with one siege engine]
UNKNOWN [proficiency with selected weapon]
UNKNOWN [proficiency with spear]
UNKNOWN [proficient with all martial weapons]
UNKNOWN [proficient with armor]
UNKNOWN [proficient with weapon]
UNKNOWN [pull]
UNKNOWN [pull]
UNKNOWN [push]
UNKNOWN [push]
UNKNOWN [quadruped]
UNKNOWN [raised by an animal]
UNKNOWN [ranger talent class feature]
UNKNOWN [ranger]
UNKNOWN [reach (10 ft. or greater)]
UNKNOWN [reckless offense]
UNKNOWN [reflect class feature]
UNKNOWN [regeneration]
UNKNOWN [regeneration]
UNKNOWN [rejuvenation]
UNKNOWN [rend]
UNKNOWN [repair 5 ranks]
UNKNOWN [reputation class feature]
UNKNOWN [resist energy class feature]
UNKNOWN [resist energy class feature]
UNKNOWN [safeguard class feature]
UNKNOWN [safeguard class feature]
UNKNOWN [scent ability]
UNKNOWN [scion talent class feature]
UNKNOWN [seen]
UNKNOWN [serpentfolk race]
UNKNOWN [serpentfolk race]
UNKNOWN [serpentfolk race]
UNKNOWN [shaped capacity class feature]
UNKNOWN [shaped capacity class feature]
UNKNOWN [shaped capacity class feature]
UNKNOWN [shaped capacity class feature]
UNKNOWN [shield]
UNKNOWN [shifting resistance class feature]
UNKNOWN [shifting resistance class feature]
UNKNOWN [shining star class feature]
UNKNOWN [signature move class feature]
UNKNOWN [skilled driver with the selected vehicle type]
UNKNOWN [skills normally granted by second order as class skills]
UNKNOWN [skills normally granted by second order as class skills]
UNKNOWN [skills normally granted by second order as class skills]
UNKNOWN [sleight of hand as class skill]
UNKNOWN [slow]
UNKNOWN [smaller]
UNKNOWN [sneak attack +1d6]
UNKNOWN [sneak attack +1d6]
UNKNOWN [sneak attack +1d6]
UNKNOWN [sneak attack +2d6]
UNKNOWN [sneak attack +2d6]
UNKNOWN [sneak attack +3d6]
UNKNOWN [sneak attack +4d6]
UNKNOWN [sneak attack +5d6]
UNKNOWN [song of surrender bardic performance]
UNKNOWN [song of surrender bardic performance]
UNKNOWN [song of surrender bardic performance]
UNKNOWN [spagyric device class feature]
UNKNOWN [spellbane class feature]
UNKNOWN [spellbane class feature]
UNKNOWN [spellbook]
UNKNOWN [spit]
UNKNOWN [spit]
UNKNOWN [sprinter racial trait]
UNKNOWN [stability racial trait]
UNKNOWN [stalwart magus arcana]
UNKNOWN [steady racial trait]
UNKNOWN [stealth attack class feature]
UNKNOWN [stench]
UNKNOWN [stench]
UNKNOWN [stonecunning racial trait]
UNKNOWN [stonecunning racial trait]
UNKNOWN [stonecunning racial trait]
UNKNOWN [stonewarden gargoyle race]
UNKNOWN [sufficiently high level (see above)]
UNKNOWN [sufficiently high level (see below)]
UNKNOWN [summon nature's ally spells]
UNKNOWN [summon steed class feature]
UNKNOWN [summon steed class feature]
UNKNOWN [summon]
UNKNOWN [supernatural ability]
UNKNOWN [surprise follow through]
UNKNOWN [swallow whole]
UNKNOWN [swarming racial trait]
UNKNOWN [swear an oath to preserve life (even that of your enemy) at any cost]
UNKNOWN [swift performance class feature]
UNKNOWN [tail]
UNKNOWN [telepathy]
UNKNOWN [temporal talent (old wounds) class feature]
UNKNOWN [temporal talent (steal fate) class feature]
UNKNOWN [temporal talent (steal time) class feature]
UNKNOWN [temporal talent class feature]
UNKNOWN [the ability to cast tongues as an arcane bard spell]
UNKNOWN [the ability to craft a ranger trap]
UNKNOWN [the ability to craft a ranger trap]
UNKNOWN [the amateur gunslinger]
UNKNOWN [trained in riding]
UNKNOWN [tremorsense]
UNKNOWN [trip]
UNKNOWN [trip]
UNKNOWN [two claw natural weapon attacks]
UNKNOWN [two separate natural attacks with the grab ability]
UNKNOWN [undead]
UNKNOWN [unseen]
UNKNOWN [utility shot deed]
UNKNOWN [vanishing ninja trick]
UNKNOWN [vow of abstinence]
UNKNOWN [vow of honesty]
UNKNOWN [vow of honor]
UNKNOWN [vow of honor]
UNKNOWN [vow of poverty]
UNKNOWN [vow of servitude]
UNKNOWN [war master talent class feature]
UNKNOWN [weapon made of primitive material]
UNKNOWN [when near death (one hit point from death) you have returned to your maximum health via a single healing spell]
UNKNOWN [wing-clipped racial trait]
UNKNOWN [winged creature]
UNKNOWN [witch class]
UNKNOWN [witch sense class ability]
UNKNOWN [wizard school class feature]
UNKNOWN [wolf transformation class feature]
UNKNOWN [wolf transformation class feature]
UNKNOWN [worshiper (specific faith or ethos)]
UNKNOWN [wretch race]
UNKNOWN [wyrd race]
UNKNOWN [you can only take this feat as a 1st level bard]
UNKNOWN [you embed a special gem (worth at least 100gp) in the palm of your off-hand]
UNKNOWN [you have at least two other teamwork feats]
UNKNOWN [you have been struck by a 3rd-level]
UNKNOWN [you have no levels in a class that has the grit class feature]
UNKNOWN [you must have an animal companion]
UNKNOWN [you were exiled]
UNKNOWN [you were exiled]
UNKNOWN [you were left forsaken as a youth in the wilderness]


  1. There are a few entries here that look like problems with the code to break up the prerequisites into a list of strings. Either that or they’re very strangely named properties (I suppose abilities named “Grin” and “Bear it” might be good for a chuckle).

    [any other supernatural]
    [grin]/[bear it]
    [two] followed by [more oaths]
    [: spellcraft 5 ranks]
    [focused shot:rite] (?)

    • A lot of these are pretty easily explained, even with just the minimal text here.

      ‘capsize’ is, as I recall, a monster ability. I don’t have the data ready to be linked to.

      ‘less’, ‘smaller’… some of the prerequisites are in the form of “ or more” — ‘large or larger’, ‘tiny or smaller’, and so on. In some cases I have provided pseudo-elements to anchor them, in some I haven’t.

      ‘grin/bear it’ actually is something called ‘grin and bear it’. Those two particular prerequisites are part of an ‘and’ prerequisite (something like {and {grin}{bear it}}). It so happens that the script recognizes that there is an ‘and’ prereq there… but hey, the text matches something! and uses that instead. I just tweak the scrip to stop there (dead easy, since I have to modify it anyway — right now everything carries on down to text(), copying each bit and adding to it as needed).

      ‘any other supernatural’… I haven’t looked at that one yet.

      ‘: spellcraft 5 ranks’ is presumably a weirdly-formed skill prerequisite. I need to see what that’s about.

      ‘focused shot:rite’ is a ‘difference feat name’. There are two feats called ‘focused shot’, this one is from Rite Publishing, so I appended ‘:Rite’ to difference it from the other one. In this case it’s a matter of inconsistent formatting: in names I normalize the differencing marks to ‘: mark’, in the prerequisites evidently I’m not yet doing that and this one is ‘:mark’.

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