As part of learning RPGMaker MV, I have watched many YouTube videos to see how people do things. Driftwood Gaming is one of my go-to posters on this. Drifty explains well what he is doing and why, and presents many useful tricks that come from working with the tool, things that likely would not be included in a manual (if RPGMaker MV had a manual… I haven’t found an official one yet).
One of the major tools in Drifty’s arsenal, and in fact how I found him, are the Yanfly plugins. Yanfly built a large (more than a hundred plugins) library of useful tools and utilities expanding on the base capabilities of RPGMaker MV.
Sadly, Yanfly has retired from making RPGMaker plugins. The information below is, I believe, complete and current up to that point.
Some plugins build on others, and there is no explicit mechanism for resolving this in RPGMaker MV (i.e. you can’t mark Plugin B and depending on Plugin A, and RPGMaker MV will load them in the correct order). As with old school C compilers, you have to manually specify load order to make sure the libraries are loaded in the correct order.
The requirements are documented, but hard to follow. So, me being me, I drew a graph.

(Click image above for the full-size image.)
… and I could have saved myself typing a legend, since there one right there in the diagram that summarizes better than I did in text.
Yanfly Plugin Order
Here is the recommended plugin order, in text form. The above covers the plugins by name and Yanfly number, this list shows also the specific JS file and has links to the relevant page and to the YouTube video.
Core Plugins
- Core Engine (YEP_CoreEngine.js, YEP 1)
- Core Updates and Desktop Optimization (YEP_X_CoreUpdatesOpt.js, YEP 164)
- Advanced Switches and Variables (YEP_AdvancedSwVar.js, YEP 162)
- Base Parameter Control (YEP_BaseParamControl.js, YEP 86)
- Class Base Parameters (YEP_ClassBaseParam.js, YEP 95)
- Class Change Core (YEP_ClassChangeCore.js, YEP 32)
- Extra Parameter Formula (YEP_ExtraParamFormula.js, YEP 69)
- Load Custom Fonts (YEP_LoadCustomFonts.js, YEP 112)
- Main Menu Manager (YEP_MainMenuManager.js, YEP 14)
- Message Core (YEP_MessageCore.js, YEP 2)
- Message Backlog (YEP_X_MessageBacklog.js, YEP 167)
- Extended Message Pack 1 (YEP_X_ExtMesPack1.js, YEP 65)
- Extended Message Pack 2 (YEP_X_ExtMesPack2.js, YEP 154)
- Message Macros (YEP 73)
- YEP_X_MessageMacros1.js
- YEP_X_MessageMacros2.js
- YEP_X_MessageMacros3.js
- YEP_X_MessageMacros4.js
- YEP_X_MessageMacros5.js
- Message Speed Option (YEP_X_MessageSpeedOpt.js, YEP 166)
- Save Core (YEP_SaveCore.js, YEP 100)
- Self Switches & Variables (YEP_SelfSwVar.js, YEP 113)
- Special Param Formula (YEP_SpecialParamFormula.js, YEP 78)
- YEP Auto-Update (not plugin)
Battle Plugins
- Battle Engine Core (YEP_BattleEngineCore.js, YEP 3)
- Action Sequence Pack 1 (YEP_X_ActionSeqPack1.js, YEP 4)
- Action Sequence Pack 2 (YEP_X_ActionSeqPack2.js, YEP 5)
- Action Sequence Pack 3 (YEP_X_ActionSeqPack3.js, YEP 6)
- Action Sequence Pack Documentation (not plugin)
- Animated Sideview Enemies (YEP_X_AnimatedSVEnemies.js, YEP 44)
- Battle System – Active Turn Battle (YEP_X_BattleSysATB.js, YEP 24)
- Visual ATB Gauge (YEP_X_VisualATBGauge.js, YEP 31)
- Battle System – Charge Turn Battle (YEP_X_BattleSysCTB.js, YEP 38)
- Battle System – Standard Turn Battle (YEP_X_BattleSysSTB.js, YEP 130)
- Counter Control (YEP_X_CounterControl.js, YEP 82)
- Must follow YEP_X_BattleSysATB and YEP_X_BattleSysCTB if present.
- In-Battle Status (YEP_X_InBattleStatus.js, YEP 115)
- Turn Order Display (YEP_X_TurnOrderDisplay.js, YEP 129)
- Does not work with ATB or CTB, made specifically for turn-based systems (DTB and STB)
- Visual HP Gauges (YEP_X_VisualHPGauges.js, YEP 30)
- Weak Enemy Poses (YEP_X_WeakEnemyPoses.js, YEP 119)
- Lunatic Pack – Action Beginning and End Effects (YEP_Z_ActionBeginEnd.js, YEP 159)
- Absorption Barrier (YEP_AbsorptionBarrier.js, YEP 70)
- Battle A.I. Core (YEP_BattleAICore.js, YEP 16)
- Battle BGM Control (YEP_BattleBGMControl.js, YEP 132)
- Battle Select Cursor (YEP_BattleSelectCursor.js, YEP 101)
- Battle Status Window (YEP_BattleStatusWindow.js, YEP 42)
- Buffs & States Core (YEP_BuffsStatesCore.js, YEP 50)
- Extended Damage Over Time (YEP_X_ExtDoT.js, YEP 131)
- Also needs YEP_BattleEngineCore.js
- State Categories (YEP_X_StateCategories.js, YEP 89)
- Tick-Based Regeneration (YEP_X_TickBasedRegen.js, YEP 76)
- Also needs YEP_BattleEngineCore.js
- ATB and CTB are deprecated
- Visual State Effects (YEP_X_VisualStateEffects.js, YEP 114)
- Also needs YEP_BattleEngineCore.js
- Must follow YEP_X_AnimatedSVEnemies.js if present.
- Lunatic Pack – State Protection (YEP_Z_StateProtection.js, YEP 157)
- Extended Damage Over Time (YEP_X_ExtDoT.js, YEP 131)
- Damage Core (YEP_DamageCore.js, YEP 25)
- Armor Scaling (YEP_X_ArmorScaling.js, YEP 33)
- FlyingDream’s Armor Scaling Calculator (not plugin)
- Critical Control (YEP_X_CriticalControl.js, YEP 26)
- Lunatic Pack – Critical Sway (YEP_Z_CriticalSway.js, YEP 158)
- Also needs YEP_BattleEngineCore.js
- Also needs YEP_DamageCore.js
- Lunatic Pack – Critical Sway (YEP_Z_CriticalSway.js, YEP 158)
- Armor Scaling (YEP_X_ArmorScaling.js, YEP 33)
- Element Core (YEP_ElementCore.js, YEP 107)
- Follows YEP_BattleEngineCore.js if present
- Follows YEP_DamageCore.js if present
- Extra Enemy Drops (YEP_ExtraEnemyDrops.js, YEP 47)
- NeMV Quantities (non-YEP extension)
- Force Advantage (YEP_ForceAdvantage.js, YEP 93)
- Follows YEP_BattleEngineCore.js if present
- Hit Accuracy (YEP_HitAccuracy.js, YEP 85)
- Hit Damage Sounds (YEP_HitDamageSounds.js, YEP 128)
- Improved Battlebacks (YEP_ImprovedBattlebacks.js, YEP 125)
- Life Steal (YEP_LifeSteal.js, YEP 71)
- Overkill Bonus (YEP_OverkillBonus.js, YEP 127)
- Target Core (YEP_TargetCore.js, YEP 74)
- Follows YEP_BattleEngineCore.js if present
- Area of Effect (YEP_X_AreaOfEffect.js, YEP 84)
- Needs YEP_BattleEngineCore.js
- Selection Control (YEP_X_SelectionControl.js, YEP 94)
- Needs YEP_BattleEngineCore.js
- Taunt (YEP_Taunt.js, YEP 23)
- Victory Aftermath (YEP_VictoryAftermath.js, YEP 7)
- Aftermath Level Up (YEP_X_AftermathLevelUp.js, YEP 59)
Item Plugins
- Item Core (YEP_ItemCore.js, YEP 11)
- Attachable Augments (YEP_X_AttachAugments.js, YEP 92)
- Item Disassemble (YEP_X_ItemDisassemble.js, YEP 96)
- Item Discard (YEP_X_ItemDiscard.js, YEP 143)
- Item Durability (YEP_X_ItemDurability.js, YEP 72)
- Item Menu Categories (YEP_X_ItemCategories.js, YEP 137)
- Item Picture Images (YEP_X_ItemPictureImg.js, YEP 123)
- Item Rename (YEP_X_ItemRename.js, YEP 146)
- Item Requirements (YEP_X_ItemRequirements.js, YEP 136)
- Item Upgrade Slots (YEP_X_ItemUpgradeSlots.js, YEP 12)
- Item Synthesis (YEP_X_ItemSynthesis.js, YEP 58)
- Shop Menu Core (YEP_ShopMenuCore.js, YEP 53)
- More Currencies (YEP_X_MoreCurrencies.js, YEP 60)
Skill Plugins
- Skill Core (YEP_SkillCore.js, YEP 8)
- Limited Skill Uses (YEP_X_LimitedSkillUses.js, YEP 56)
- Multi-Type Skills (YEP_X_MultiTypeSkills.js, YEP 135)
- Party Limit Gauge (YEP_X_PartyLimitGauge.js, YEP 67)
- Skill Cooldowns (YEP_X_SkillCooldowns.js, YEP 9)
- Skill Cost Items (YEP_X_SkillCostItems.js, YEP 43)
- Lunatic Pack – Skill Rewards (YEP_Z_SkillRewards.js, YEP 155)
- InstantCast.js (YEP_InstantCast.js, YEP 22)
- Skill Learn System (YEP_SkillLearnSystem.js, YEP 28)
- Modifies YEP_JobPoints.js, recommended to place after YEP_JobPoints.js
Equip Plugins
- Equip Core (YEP_EquipCore.js, YEP 10)
- Change Battle Equip (YEP_X_ChangeBattleEquip.js, YEP 83)
- Needs also YEP_BattleEngineCore.js
- Equip Customize Command (YEP_X_EquipCustomize.js, YEP 97)
- Equip Requirements (YEP_X_EquipRequirements.js, YEP 75)
- Change Battle Equip (YEP_X_ChangeBattleEquip.js, YEP 83)
- Weapon Animation (YEP_WeaponAnimation.js, YEP 63)
- Follows YEP_BattleEngineCore.js if present.
- Follows YEP_X_AnimatedSVEnemies.js if present.
- Follows YEP_X_ActionSequencePack1.js if present.
- Follows YEP_X_ActionSequencePack2.js if present.
- Follows YEP_X_ActionSequencePack3.js if present.
- Weapon Unleash (YEP_WeaponUnleash.js, YEP 51)
Status Menu Plugins
- Status Menu Core (YEP_StatusMenuCore.js, YEP 37)
- Actor Variables (YEP_X_ActorVariables.js, YEP 41)
- Battle Statistics (YEP_X_BattleStatistics.js, YEP 39)
- More Status Menu Pages (YEP_X_MoreStatusPages.js, YEP 140)
- Profile Status Page (YEP_X_ProfileStatusPage.js, YEP 48)
Gameplay Plugins
- Auto Passive States (YEP_AutoPassiveStates.js, YEP 13)
- Passive Aura Effects (YEP_X_PassiveAuras.js, YEP 117)
- Lunatic Pack – Passive Condition Cases (YEP_Z_PassiveCases.js, YEP 161)
- Enemy Levels (YEP_EnemyLevels.js, YEP 64)
- FlyingDream’s Enemy Level Calculator (not plugin)
- Difficulty Slider (YEP_X_DifficultySlider.js, YEP 147)
- Enemy Base Parameters (YEP_X_EnemyBaseParam.js, YEP 139)
- Enhanced TP (YEP_EnhancedTP.js, YEP 55)
- More TP Modes (YEP 57)
- YEP_X_MoreTPModes1.js
- YEP_X_MoreTPModes2.js
- YEP_X_MoreTPModes3.js
- YEP_X_MoreTPModes4.js
- More TP Modes (YEP 57)
- Equip Battle Skills (YEP_EquipBattleSkills.js, YEP 90)
- Equip Battle Skills – Allowed Types (YEP_X_EBSAllowedTypes.js, YEP 106)
- Equip Skill Tiers (YEP_X_EquipSkillTiers.js, YEP 91)
- Job Points (YEP_JobPoints.js, YEP 27)
- Modified by Skill Learn System.js; place YEP_SkillLearnSystem.js after this.
- Party System (YEP_PartySystem.js, YEP 29)
- Actor Party Switch (YEP_X_ActorPartySwitch.js, YEP 108)
- Requires YEP_BattleEngineCore.js
- Actor Party Switch (YEP_X_ActorPartySwitch.js, YEP 108)
- Row Formation (YEP_RowFormat.js, YEP 54)
- Steal & Snatch (YEP_StealSnatch.js, YEP 66)
Movement Plugins
- Move Route Core (YEP_MoveRouteCore.js, YEP 124)
- Extended Move Pack 1 (YEP_X_ExtMovePack1.js, YEP 126)
- Floor Damage (YEP_FloorDamage.js, YEP 144)
Quest Plugins
- Quest Journal (YEP_QuestJournal.js, YEP 152)
- Map Quest Window (YEP_X_MapQuestWindow.js, YEP 156)
- More Quests (YEP 153)
- YEP_X_MoreQuests1.js
- YEP_X_MoreQuests2.js
- YEP_X_MoreQuests3.js
- YEP_X_MoreQuests4.js
- YEP_X_MoreQuests5.js
- YEP_X_MoreQuests6.js
- YEP_X_MoreQuests7.js
- YEP_X_MoreQuests8.js
- YEP_X_MoreQuests9.js
- YEP_X_MoreQuests10.js
Options Menu
- Options Core (YEP_OptionsCore.js, YEP 165)
- Animated Tile Option (YEP_AnimatedTilesOption.js, YEP 103)
- Battle Animation Speed Options (YEP_BattleAniSpeedOpt.js, YEP 163)
- FPS Synch Option (YEP_FpsSynchOption.js, YEP 81)
Eventing Plugins
- Event Chase Player (YEP_EventChasePlayer.js, YEP 20)
- Event Chase Stealth (YEP_X_EventChaseStealth.js, YEP 79)
- Event Copier (YEP_EventCopier.js, YEP 168)
- Event Encounter Aid (YEP_EventEncounterAid.js, YEP 105)
- Event Mini Label (YEP_EventMiniLabel.js, YEP 40)
- Event Morpher (YEP_EventMorpher.js, YEP 169)
- Event Timer Control (YEP_EventTimerControl.js, YEP 160)
Utility Plugins
- Auto Switches (YEP_AutoSwitches.js, YEP 102)
- Base Troop Events (YEP_BaseTroopEvents.js, YEP 15)
- Button Common Events (YEP_ButtonCommonEvents.js, YEP 61)
- Interacts with YEP_KeyboardConfig.js
- Call Event (YEP_CallEvent.js, YEP 110)
- Common Event Menu (YEP_CommonEventMenu.js, YEP 98)
- Common Event Menu Setup Pack 1 (YEP_X_CEMSetupPack1.js, YEP 99)
- Common Event Menu Setup Pack 2 (YEP_X_CEMSetupPack2.js, YEP 109)
- Credits Page (YEP_CreditsPage.js, YEP 49)
- Dash Toggle (YEP_DashToggle.js, YEP 77)
- External Links (YEP_ExternalLinks.js, YEP 21)
- Footstep Sounds (YEP_FootstepSounds.js, YEP 138)
- Gab Window (YEP_GabWindow.js, YEP 46)
- Grid-Free Doodads (YEP_GridFreeDoodads.js, YEP 116)
- Extended Doodad Pack 1 (YEP_X_ExtDoodadPack1.js, YEP 122)
- Help File Access (YEP_HelpFileAccess.js, YEP 134)
- Icon Balloons (YEP_IconBalloons.js, YEP 111)
- Keyboard Config (YEP_KeyboardConfig.js, YEP 80)
- Main Menu Variable Window (YEP_MainMenuVar.js, YEP 145)
- Map Gold Window (YEP_MapGoldWindow.js, YEP 36)
- Map Select Equip (YEP_MapSelectEquip.js, YEP 121)
- Map Select Skill (YEP_MapSelectSkill.js, YEP 87)
- Map Status Window (YEP_MapStatusWindow.js, YEP 149)
- Music Menu (YEP_MusicMenu.js, YEP 142)
- Picture Common Events (YEP_PictureCommonEvents.js, YEP 88)
- Region Battlebacks (YEP_RegionBattlebacks.js, YEP 52)
- Region Events (YEP_RegionEvents.js, YEP 17)
- Region Restrictions (YEP_RegionRestrictions.js, YEP 18)
- Vehicle Restrictions (YEP_VehicleRestrictions.js, YEP 118)
- Repel Lure Encounters (YEP_RepelLureEncounters.js, YEP 120)
- Save Event Locations (YEP_SaveEventLocations.js, YEP 19)
- Scale Sprites (YEP_ScaleSprites.js, YEP 141)
- Sectioned Gauges (YEP_SectionedGauges.js, YEP 148)
- Mutually exclusive with YEP_SegmentedGauges.js
- Segmented Gauges (YEP_SegmentedGauges.js, YEP 151)
- Mutually exclusive with YEP_SectionedGauges.js
- Slippery Tiles (YEP_SlipperyTiles.js, YEP 62)
- Smart Jump (YEP_SmartJump.js, YEP 68)
- Stop Map Movement (YEP_StopMapMovement.js, YEP 35)
- Swap Enemies (YEP_SwapEnemies.js, YEP 45)
- Utility Common Events (YEP_UtilityCommonEvents.js, YEP 133)
- DragonBones Integration (KELYEP_DragonBones.js, YEP 150)
Ækashics Website (graphics)
Terms of Use
Link Terms of Use:
Howdy fellow creator !
Game resources posted in this blog are entirely my work and when stated for release, usable in both free and commercial games!
Let me know what you’re working on from time to time if you choose to use my graphics!
Quick TL;DR stuff to keep in mind:
- When using my resources (both in free and commercial games), please credit me as Ækashics and link back to this website.
- Please if you feel like reposting and sharing my resources (Thank you!) , link back to this website !
- If you’re using my graphics in a commercial game, a free copy would be nice !ヽ(〃・ω・)ノ
- You are free to soft edit battlers according to your project’s personal needs so long as there is no redistribution of edited resources involved! Stuff like hue colors, resizes, etc!
- Renaming the monsters to suit your project needs is totally ok as well! ♡
- Only for RPG Maker users, you are free to make your own charsets ( Walking map sprites) based on character designs the Librarium releases, however a few conditions apply!
- You must notify me, and your contribution will become publicy available in our “Community contributions” section credited to your name and personal site, this is the only allowed place and method to share your contribution should you decide to make it a public asset, if you’re making one for the sake of a personal project, just notify me and keep said asset to yourself ♡ !
- You may not take existing Librarium graphics and resize them into charset size frames!
- I retain ownership of all aspects of the original design and monetizing off these character sets in any way is prohibited! (For example selling them as individual sets or as part of bundles, thus you as a contributor, cannot offer these as individual/set pieces of a commercial pack .
- These assets share the same license as other Librarium releases, thus they are allowed for both commercial and non-commercial games!
- For anything not covered, I reserve the right to adapt to the situation accordingly! Feel free to contact me if you have an specific question!
- The scope use for these assets is exclusively game development! individual uses for marketing or other purposes/use cases not listed will be a case by case scenario, so feel free to contact me if you have a very specific question!
- For anything not covered, I reserve the right to adapt to the situation accordingly! Feel free to contact me if you have an specific question!
- Have fun ! (yes it’s part of the terms of use)ヽ(〃・ω・)ノ
That is all.
Luc-Stamrah Music Collection
Terms of Use
Link Terms of Use:
- When using my pieces (both in free and commercial games), please credit me as Luc-Stamrah and link back to this website.
- Please if you feel like reposting and sharing my files and compositions, link back to this website!
- If you’re using my music compositions in a commercial game, a free copy would be nice!
- You are allowed to make edits of my pieces to fit the needs of your projects (such as the creation of loops, cuts and miscellaneous edits), however you are not allowed to repost these edited files anywhere else!
- Even for edited versions, I retain all ownership aspects of the music pieces and monetizing these assets in ways which clearly are not the original distributition intent of my library is prohibited.
- You may not subsell/sublicense/redistribute my pieces as parts of resource bundles or individually. Remember, my songs are oriented to be used as resources part of your game projects, not for individual resale.
- For anything not covered, I reserve the right to adapt to the situation accordingly! Feel free to contact me if you have a specific question!
- You may use Luc Stamrah Music Collection resources for instructional videos, tutorials, speed paints, game trailers, or other uses typically derived by the needs of youtube. For any other use not covered here please contact me first! The crediting requirement remains the same for cases such as these.
- Link
Terms of Use
Links Terms of Use:
Any original material made by Yanfly is free for use with both free and commercial RPG Maker games unless specified otherwise. I do not demand royalties or special liberties if you choose to use Yanfly original content in your commercial games. (Although a free copy of your game would be nice!) I only ask that you provide “Yanfly” or “Yanfly Engine” a spot in your game’s credits.
Any edits made to Yanfly original material are okay as long as you still provide the proper credit. Any non-Original content posted, linked, or shared on my website and channel will still require you to contact the respective parties for permission of use.
I think this is simple. I’d like to keep it simple. I ask of you, as users, to please do not do things that will make me complicate it for everyone.
Happy RPG Making!
Happy RPG Making!