Rule of Cool’s Legend, and Child’s Play

This was brought to my attention via google+.

Rule of Cool‘s Legend core rulebook is now available for download.  I expect it’ll go up on RPGNow, DriveThruRPG, or their own store soon.

However, until January 14 it is available from their site with a ‘pay-what-you-want’ basis… to Child’s Play.

From their site:

The Legend system core rulebook is now available! Until January 14th, it can be accessed on a pay-what-you-want basis. All proceeds from the book go to benefit Child’s Play.

Clicking the ChipIn button on the left will take you to a PayPal-secured transaction site; you can donate either through your existing PayPal account or as a guest. We suggest a $10 donation, but the exact amount is up to you.

Normally I might have downloaded this and made a note to pay something after I looked at it (and if I forgot, to buy it later).  All proceeds to Child’s Play?  I’ll take my chances — Child’s Play is a great charity and it pleases me that Rule of Cool is supporting it this way.

And as it happens, it looks like some of their design decisions mirror my plans for Echelon, so this is even pertinent to my project.

Legend Cover

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