NaGaDeMon 2012, Status Check November 19

In case you’re wondering about the dearth of posts here this month, I’ve mostly been working on Echelon for the last few weeks for National Game Development Month. Status 2012/11/19 Given that I am starting from the Revised System Reference Document, the following game elements will be considered.  I might apply …

Megadungeoncrawl: Session 3, Elves are Jackasses

I can’t prove it, but empirical evidence gathered last night suggests elves in this campaign are jackasses. Two returning players last night, two new players, and I think none of them had ever played together before. Erik Tenkar and Gabriel Perez Gallardi were back, joined this week by Charlie White and Jason …

Megadungeoncrawl: Session 2, Inadequately Planned

Last week we had our second session of the megadungeoncrawl.  Erik and Michael were unavailable, so Courtney Campbell was joined by James Aulds and Gabriel Perez Gallardi. Honestly, I’m not as pleased with how well I ran this session.  I’d spent more time preparing specifically for this session, but when …

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