The April A-Z Blog Challenge is proving to be a great way to encourage me to work on Polyhedral Pantheons. I have completed drafts of all deities of the Goblin Pantheon and the Elemental Tetratheon. The Halfling Pantheon is hardly started, but I should be able to get back to that one soon.
Reviewing against the book outline I wrote:
- Introduction drafted
- Process (Crunch-Oriented) drafted, retitled ‘Creating the Pantheon’
- Glossary (point, face, edge, node) drafted, likely to move
- Choosing Polyhedron added, one paragraph per polyhedron
- Domain Allocation random table
- Subdomains included in domain table for reference, but not rolled
Hybrid Domainsout of scopeExalted Domainsout of scope
- World Building added, explains briefly how to expand on base material in stages from low-detail to increasingly higher detail
- First Pass: Simple Description Round out summary information (chosen weapon if not yet known, symbol)
- Second Pass: Setting Information Provide basic setting information: theme, shrines and holy grounds, prayers, followers, manifestations
- Third Pass: Fine Details Expands on information previously created. To be rewritten
Fleshing Things Out (Fluff-Oriented)Replaced by WorldbuildingPortfoliosPortfolio vs. DomainAlternate ChannelingAdapting Paladin CodesReligious Dress
Polyhedral ExaminationReduced to section in ‘Creating the Pantheon’. Might expand on in appendix, haven’t decided.d12, d20 Duald6, d8 Duald4d10, 2d10Alternate d8 (d10-style)
- Sample Pantheons in progress; will take only to second pass
- Halfling Pantheon First pass complete, one deity second pass, lots to go
- Goblin Pantheon All deities second pass complete, some introductory material
- Samoora Pantheon First pass complete
- Lords and Ladies of the Everwood All deities second pass complete, some introductory material
- Elemental Tetratheon All deities second pass complete
- Appendices List of appendices to be revised, might be reduced to ‘helpful references’ page
- Worksheets May or may not include, already available as free/PWYW product
Domain Lists (with sources)Likely to be dropped; domain table in first chapter, subdomains are manually selected to fit, not planning to delve into hybrid domains or exalted domainsDomainsSubdomainsHybrid DomainsExalted Domains

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