Bound Magic Items

Item creation in 3e is very abstract. Take a masterwork item, add gold, experience points, and time, and you end up with a magic item. The item creation might involve binding spirits, it might involve empowering the item with planar energy, it could simply enhance the nature of the weapon …

Fast Spell Feat

Quicken Spell can be a very useful feat, but it is a very expensive feat to use. Being able to cast two spells in a single round is a powerful ability. Many spells may be cast as a standard action and the caster still has a move action available in …

Combat Actions

Each round represents approximately 6 seconds in the game world. A round presents an opportunity for each character involved in a combat to take an action. Each round’s activity begins with the character with the highest initiative result and then proceeds, in order, from there. Each round of a combat …

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