My Books, Let Me Sell You Them

Currently-available Echelon Game Design products. Echelon Explorations: Polyhedral Pantheons @d20pfsrd @DriveThruRPG @Paizo The gods create the world… and you create the gods. Whether you need only a small pantheon with a few deities, or a larger pantheon with dozens of deities, Polyhedral Pantheons gives you tools to make pantheon creation easy. …

Echelon Reference Series: Barbarians… Goes Live

It’s taken somewhat longer than I expected, but Echelon Reference Series: Barbarians is now live at DriveThruRPG. In two versions, in fact. Echelon Reference Series: Barbarians (PRD-only) at DriveThruRPG, contains only material from the PRD, with no content from third-party publishers. Echelon Reference Series: Barbarians (3pp+PRD) at DriveThruRPG, contains material from …

Progress Linking Prerequisites Programmatically

Still working on the Echelon Reference Series, and I’m rebuilding my prerequisite parsing and linking system. I didn’t think to capture metrics before I started, but I’m already a little over 90% ‘pretty definitive matches’ — that is, where I can match a prerequisite string to a specific game entity …

Echelon Reference Series Preview: Barbarian Index PDF

Last night I posted a PDF of the index of a layout draft document containing classes. Here, I have the index of a working draft of the Echelon Reference Series: Barbarian book. Same rules for indexing, but different data, including many feats and their associated diagrams. Many feat prerequisites and diagrams …

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