Very Rules-Light RPG

Matt Jackson (of lapsus calumni) asked on Google+ about the minimum required character traits for a light-weight RPG. Light enough that it doesn’t have classes. Taking some of the ideas there, I think the following might be workable. First, reduce things to their very basics and abstract them. What do …

Pathfinder Rage Power Graph

I have been working on some Rage talents for Echelon and decided the Iron Heroes berserker abilities were a little too thin for my purposes. Thankfully I remembered the Barbarian Rage Powers collected at and decided to raid them.  There were rather more than I expected, drawn from the Pathfinder …

NaGaDeMon 2012, Status Check November 19

In case you’re wondering about the dearth of posts here this month, I’ve mostly been working on Echelon for the last few weeks for National Game Development Month. Status 2012/11/19 Given that I am starting from the Revised System Reference Document, the following game elements will be considered.  I might apply …

Echelon d20 Forum

I’ve been having conversations with a couple of Echelon d20 site members, held in the posts and pages they’re working on.  It seems kind of strange to be chatting back and forth in comments embedded in the post content.  I’ve set up a forum to hold discussions on design and …

Echelon Moving

Now that GreyKnight’s working on Echelon as a contributor, I figured I’d post new Echelon-related materials to instead of here.  I may or may not migrate the existing articles from here to there (probably not), but new material here will likely be more focused on what happens in my …

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