Path Extensions: Transitions in Node-Based Design

The Tuesday’s Reader Tips email from Johnn Four contained a tip that expands on the work I did for the Node-Based Megadungeon. I’m going to take the liberty of copying Lionel di Giacomo’s suggestion (and image, in case it goes away). I love dungeon flowcharts like Keith’s, but have found …

Megadungeoncrawl: Session 1, I Swear this was not Planned

Tonight we had our first session of a dungeon crawl exploring the node-based megadungeon. This is going to be a little rambly and less polished than usual. I want to get it down before I go to sleep. I didn’t get all the character names, but the players tonight included …

Node-Based Megadungeon: Information Paths

In developing the megadungeon, most of the graphs concentrated on the physical relationships between the nodes.  In the introductory post I  mentioned that those weren’t the only relationships possible and presented a sample of what it might look like if the information relationships were shown. Now that I’ve finished outlining …

Node-Based Megadungeon: Shalthazard the Pale

Shalthazard the Pale Campaign Role Broad-reaching mastermind with claws in many schemes. Theme Spectral wyrm so consumed by lust for knowledge and manipulation he did not notice his own death. Threat A powerful ghostly dragon with influence over political, financial, and military power over most of the land. Reward A …

Node-Based Megadungeon: Pit of the Misshapen

Pit of the Misshapen Campaign or Scenario Role Dumping ground, a miscellany of creatures and objects.  Almost anything can be found here, potentially, but it’s probably not in very good condition. Theme Civilization of broken creatures. Threat Very defensive and insular, will view interlopers with suspicion at best (and as …

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