Divine Channelling

All clerics in a RAW game can either Turn Undead or Rebuke Undead. This doesn’t seem right to me because it seems to me that not all settings or religions would put enough emphasis on undead to make it relevant. Also, I don’t really like the way turning works — …

Dodge Feats

While it is nice to get +1 to your AC against a single chosen opponent, I don’t think it’s really worth an entire feat – even if it does lead to a nice feat chain.  I change how Dodge works and hopefully make it a little more worth the cost, …

Fast Spell Feat

Quicken Spell can be a very useful feat, but it is a very expensive feat to use. Being able to cast two spells in a single round is a powerful ability. Many spells may be cast as a standard action and the caster still has a move action available in …

Sneak Attack Feats

These feats allow you to do additional damage to opponents who are unable to defend themselves effectively, by striking a vital spot. Your character does additional damage any time your opponent is denied Dexterity bonus to AC. Only creatures susceptible to critical hits (living creatures with discernible anatomies) are subject …

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