NaGaDeMon Plans

So, National Game Development Month. I’m not a purist.  I won’t be starting from scratch. I do, however, aim to have Echelon playable by the end of November.  Quite probably in dire need of polishing, but at the least, a set of rules that can be printed out, a set …

Megadungeoncrawl: Session 1, I Swear this was not Planned

Tonight we had our first session of a dungeon crawl exploring the node-based megadungeon. This is going to be a little rambly and less polished than usual. I want to get it down before I go to sleep. I didn’t get all the character names, but the players tonight included …

Weapon Speed in D&D

Weapon speeds in D&D – expressed as modifiers to initiative rolls – have always bothered me.  I was delighted to see them removed in D&D 3.x after having stuck around through AD&D. Real Life In my experience and observation, both of which I will admit are limited but are verified …

Campaign Cookbook

Since I apparently don’t have enough to do, I’ve been considering another project, possibly to be packaged for sale on OBS or Lulu or something. No, I haven’t forgotten the interest people have expressed in my doing this for the megadungeon, and in fact they are related. I’ve been asked …

Node-Based Megadungeon: Information Paths

In developing the megadungeon, most of the graphs concentrated on the physical relationships between the nodes.  In the introductory post I  mentioned that those weren’t the only relationships possible and presented a sample of what it might look like if the information relationships were shown. Now that I’ve finished outlining …

Science! An Engine Fueled with Liquid Nitrogen

All that is required to fuel these engines, basically, is liquid nitrogen.  We are surrounded by the stuff (most of the Earth’s atmosphere is nitrogen), and making liquid nitrogen is pretty straightforward and is almost a side effect of ‘more useful’ processes.  I would expect almost no ‘carbon footprint’ from this, …

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