Subtle Spell Casting

In all the time I’ve played 3e, I’ve seen numerous metamagic feats used that increase the effect of the spells they are applied to. Empower, Widen, Extend, Quicken, Heighten (though IMC all casters get this one free)… but I’ve never seen Silent Spell or Still Spell used. This suggests to …

Bound Magic Items

Item creation in 3e is very abstract. Take a masterwork item, add gold, experience points, and time, and you end up with a magic item. The item creation might involve binding spirits, it might involve empowering the item with planar energy, it could simply enhance the nature of the weapon …

Divine Channelling

All clerics in a RAW game can either Turn Undead or Rebuke Undead. This doesn’t seem right to me because it seems to me that not all settings or religions would put enough emphasis on undead to make it relevant. Also, I don’t really like the way turning works — …

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