Designing a Pantheon: Kicked to the Curb, Again

Ten posts complete… I think this is the shorted A-Z Blog Challenge failure I’ve had. I started to write ‘earliest’, but it took almost two weeks for me to admit it to myself. We’ve had some shakeups at work this month. These don’t actually directly add to my workload (in …

Designing a Pantheon: Influence, or Making Friends and Enemies

For many years I’ve wanted a system to formalize developing relationships with organizations or other entities. I don’t want to apply it to everything — the number of connections can become immense — but where a relationship becomes significant enough to track, I want a way to formalize it. Most …

Designing a Pantheon: GreyKnight’s Table Strikes

Many years ago, GreyKnight created the “Keith Davies Blog Post Generator“, mostly to poke good-natured fun at me, but I admit I laughed… and I sometimes feel the urge to validate that post. The first table is ‘Subject Matter’, and two of the entries are ‘Revisit an old post and …

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